
The Wellcome Trust-Medical Research Council Stem Cell Institute will be screening an award-winning film charting the history and scientific evolution of stem cell research – from the earliest experiments that first revealed stem cells in the body, to leading current scientific and clinical developments. 

The film features eminent international scientists in stem cell research including 2012 Nobel Laureates Shinya Yamanaka and Sir John Gurdon. 

Public Screening - Suitable for adults with a general interest in science, 14+ school students. There will be an introduction by Dr Katrin Ottersbach and the film will be followed by a brief Q&A session. The film is 70 minutes long.

Please note that booking is required for this event.

Tickets are free, but limited in number so will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. To register for tickets, please email the SCI Coordinator providing the name of all attendees. Registration closes at noon on 21st March at 16:00 or when all tickets have been allocated, whichever is sooner.

March 26, 2013 at 6:00pm - 8pm
Umney Theatre, Robinson College
Grange Road
Cambridge, England CB3 9AN
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
SCI Coordinator ·

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