Almost every screening will be followed by a Q&A with a stem cell scientist, an opportunity to engage more deeply with scientific developments.
You can request to host your own screening.
Previous screenings
Caithness International Science Festival.
Featuring beautiful hand-drawn animations and interviews with leading stem cell scientists, STEM CELL REVOLUTIONS charts the history and scientific evolution of stem cell research – from the earliest experiments that first revealed stem cells in the body, to leading current scientific and clinical developments. Professor Clare Blackburn of Edinburgh University and scientific producer of the film will be on hand to answer audience questions.
The Wellcome Trust-Medical Research Council Stem Cell Institute will be screening an award-winning film charting the history and scientific evolution of stem cell research – from the earliest experiments that first revealed stem cells in the body, to leading current scientific and clinical developments.
The film features eminent international scientists in stem cell research including 2012 Nobel Laureates Shinya Yamanaka and Sir John Gurdon.
Public Screening - Suitable for adults with a general interest in science, 14+ school students. There will be an introduction by Dr Katrin Ottersbach and the film will be followed by a brief Q&A session. The film is 70 minutes long.
Please note that booking is required for this event.
Tickets are free, but limited in number so will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. To register for tickets, please email the SCI Coordinator providing the name of all attendees. Registration closes at noon on 21st March at 16:00 or when all tickets have been allocated, whichever is sooner.
Screening of STEM CELL REVOLUTIONS followed by a discussion with Dr Valerie Wilson and Prof Clare Blackburn.
Tam Dalyell Prize for Excellence in Engaging the Public with Science – Lecture and Award
Inspiring people of all ages about science, the University of Edinburgh’s Tam Dalyell Prize for Excellence in Engaging the Public with Science is in 2013 awarded to Professor Clare Blackburn and Dr Amy Hardie. Join this year’s prize winners for the Award Ceremony and a fascinating presentation exploring the history, biology, hopes and fears of stem cell research.
Resarchers from the University of Aberdeen, including Dr Kenneth Muir, School of Medical Sciences, will be on hand to answer questions after the free screening.
Are you interested in stem cells and how scientists hope they may revolutionise the future of medicine? Join us for an introductory evening and visit the new Scottish Centre forRegenerative Medicine Building at Little France, Edinburgh.
Watch the award winning science documentary 'Stem Cell Revolutions: Vision of the Future'. The film will be followed by an informal question and answer session with some of our scientists, including CRM's Director, Prof Charles ffrench-Constant, and the film's Scientific Director Prof Clare Blackburn.
This event will mark the Centenary year of the Medical Research Council and show the progress of stem cell research over the last 50 years.
STEM CELL REVOLUTIONS is an award winning film that explores the realities behind the hopes and fears associated with stem cell research. A Q&A session will follow the showing. Clare Blackburn, one of the filmmakers, will introduce the film, and Nattaka Chaisinthop (University of Sussex) will host the Q&A session with our expert panel on issues surrounding stem cells.
Free tea and coffee from 18.45. ALL WELCOME!
Free screening for students in years 9 & 10.
Screening for teachers.