Almost every screening will be followed by a Q&A with a stem cell scientist, an opportunity to engage more deeply with scientific developments.
You can request to host your own screening.
Previous screenings
Stem Cells Australia and the Melbourne Neuroscience Institute invite you to attend a special film screening of STEM CELL REVOLUTIONS.
Explore the realities behind the hopes and fears associated with stem cell research.
This award-winning documentary takes the viewer on a journey from the earliest experiments that first revealed stem cells in the body, to the latest scientific and clinical developments. In particular, it explores the hopes and fears associated with stem cell research.
The film features eminent international scientists in stem cell research, including 2012 Nobel Laureates Shinya Yamanaka and Sir John Gurdon, Nobel Laureate Sir Martin Evans, as well as Sir Ian Wilmut, creator of Dolly the sheep. Acclaimed novelist Margaret Atwood serves as a non-scientific commentator in the film.
Join Associate Professor Megan Munsie from Stem Cells Australia for this special screening to find out more about stem cells and participate in a Q&A session as we reflect on the challenges of communicating science to the public.
The Promise of Stem Cell Therapies and the Ethical Issues
What is the promise of stem cell therapies, and what are the new issues they raise in terms of stem cell tourism and sanctity of life?
The film-maker and scientist behind an award winning series of films on stem cells will show excerpts from Conversations and Stem Cell Revolutions. Dr Amy Hardie is head of research in the Scottish Documentary Institute. Dr Clare Blackburn is a Group Leader at the University of Edinburgh's MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine and EuroStemCell's Project Co-ordinator.
This talk is part of a series on "Science, Faith and Ethics", organised by the University Chaplaincy at King's Buildings, University of Edinburgh.
Stem cells, what are they? How were they discovered? How do they function? How are advances into this pioneering research impacting medicine both in the UK and on a global scale?
If you would like to know the answers to such questions, then you are invited to this inspirational event STEM CELL REVOLUTIONS to gain an insight this research and to discover the fundamental importance and potential of stem cells.
This event offers the opportunity to watch an international multi-award winning documentary created by film producer Amy Hardie and stem cell biologist Professor Clare Blackburn and presented in an understandable Horizon style format. The film features commentaries and case studies from experts in the field, including Nobel laureates Professor Shinya Yamanaka, Professor Sir John Gurdon, Professor Sir Martin Evans and other distinguished scientists such as Professor Ian Wilmut.
The film will be followed by a Q&A session with a panel of stem cell scientists from the Centre for Regenerative Medicine at Edinburgh University. This event will also offer the ideal platform to showcase stem cell research at Heriot-Watt and Edinburgh University and the opportunity to form collaborations.
Amb animacions dibuixades a mà i entrevistes amb eminents científics del camp de la investigació amb cèl·lules mare, STEM CELL REVOLUTIONS parla de la història i l’evolució científica de la investigació amb cèl·lules mare –des del primers experiments que van començar a mostrar l’existència de cèl·lules mare al cos humà, als principals científics i avenços clínics actuals.
Bendigo, Australia
Bendigo residents will have the chance to learn more about stem cells and research into vision loss at a free community event.
Dr Alice Pebay and Dr Alex Hewitt from the Centre for Eye Research Australia and Associate Professor Megan Musie from Stem Cells Australia will also host a panel discussion about stem cells and eye research.